Comment history with ersatz
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amen, sistaa! hahah. what's new anyway though? i've had plenty of sunny-day friends before. one more is not going to dominate my life; that's just silly.
so what've you been up to?
Yeah. When you're with someone, you can't expect them to just be happy all the time; you've gotta deal with and support them in any other times. Good that you're strong-willed!
dear ex doesn't have thatt many flaws, except that he can be such an ass sometimes. the whole, "i really do like you, except i don't wanna deal with your issues" business... hah! what kind of bullshit is that?
at the same time he's one of the most considerate people i've ever known, but yanno, whatever! i don't want to be with someone who's purposely tried to hurt me and admitted that he didn't want to deal with the rest of my brain :)
good luck with the layout; i know you're going to do great!
I'm doing pretty well; can't complain. Gotta finish that Last Myspace Designer Standing layout though...eeeek.
Boys can be ridiculous. My advice, just think about all their flaws and you'll feel better cause you'll be like, "What they got on me? Nothing." and be able to ignore it and laugh it off easier. That's what I do, at least...just think negatively about people (not out loud) all the time! :P
pretty good!
no, honestly i'm rather awieowiuf at the moment. long story short, ex and his best friend got on my nerves, but it's not thatt big of a deal. :d
and you?